In order to meet the new situation, the人化 company based on a bonded l物嗎ogistics center platform, the i廠工mplementation of strategic ad街土justment, to achieve什妹 rapid development brought about by the地照 higher requirements fo分亮r quality staff etiquette, on November 刀動22, 2013 in the afternoon and evening能化, the company in a period of fiv路爸e floor held a special me樹關eting room, strong practica跳站l etiquette training project.Tr匠藍aining sponsored by the of遠跳fice of group, who keep up wit近問h the director, group President M子木a Zijiang performance in traini廠服ng and made important speec子樹h, the other group leaders L作民i Gongbing, li-qin guo also took part輛光 in the whole training, etc.This tra報日ining group office, the market one,新睡 two department, finance depar近雜tment, development department生下, the ministry of commerce, s多湖upervision supervision, c錢文apacity coordination department務拍, safety supervision dep鐘藍artment, network inform答算ation center, measuring clas從通s such as more than 60 people.
Was invited to act as the comm友得unication center etiquette trainin年船g task is a new horizo生去n of senior etiquette 冷離training division, international regis笑可tration of IPA internat冷文ional registration etique睡算tte expert committee honorary me唱費mber of the trainers, China'玩自;s national network p湖風rofessional talent professionals, chi姐影ef gold etiquette training divis說空ion, trainer, has more than技哥 ten years training experience of雨雜 ms wen-ping Chen and his team of t但子wo elite.
Training lasted five h飛好ours, is divided into temperament他農 accomplishment, business communica門刀tion, business scenario站要 application papers to 村長three parts.Temperament cultivat科舞ion article mainly teaching staff how 年跳to grooming and manners of management坐哥, multiply your self-worth.Business co年老mmunication article main西房ly teach oral writte高吧n, telephone, network, co到為mmunication and other different types o有冷f communication skills.樹友Business application scenari朋他o article mainly taught in dif藍海ferent occasions, su錢信ch as office, business, public, h遠要ow we use etiquette in the servic我費e of our relationships, in order to get高讀 the best communication effect.Traini輛跳ng content is wide su銀通rface, large volume, al錯子though the time is limited, but the 家民team by training the teacher'黑議s efforts are expected 女輛results have been achieved.
Into the training site, the teachers 短校dress up beautiful and pure and fre近身sh, smiling, and attacks.Training,對冷 teacher Chen elegant, soft talk拍自 slow, clear and vivid, hu河水morous, show pictures, video, atmos飛是phere vogue, team mate'鐘時;s role playing is the tacit unde很西rstanding is fluent, accurate and e件坐asy, and interactive proces子秒s real and warm field personnel, es問內pecially the last teach you 報資manners hold, will all kind拿請s of etiquette posture achieve mas裡數tery through a comprehensi什視ve, make everybody in the persona小從l experience of the full dig是生estion and absorption 務女of knowledge.
Though when the early 兵志winter chill thick, but it's great 生是pleasure training site, heat surplus章東, overflowed with passi媽道on and joy, all in high active lear她去ning atmosphere have maste村離red many practical strong soc中是ial etiquette knowledge and低員 skills, also increase the mu月廠tual understanding and communicat也計ion.
President ma on the pointed 哥答out that when the training 女朋in today's rapid develo習門pment group, each employe秒煙e is very important to算訊 raise their professi船著onal quality, its image街做 is the enterprise of the brand, to imp對國rove their literacy m場秒ust learn and use good et商一iquette knowledge.The special training行新, the teacher taught well, eve呢兵rybody also learn seriously子店, the already set up the busi相西ness respect consciousness, pa月短y attention to professional ethics筆煙, and improve the business skills, the東喝 purpose of will in t拿市he future business a器草ctivities of a great he她木lp.