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Vice Mayor of Linfen City C店秒hen Zhonghui came to Fang醫醫lue to inspect and survey和器
日期:2016-04-06  發布人:刀冷admin  浏覽量:161




In December 16, Chen 這學Zhonghui,the Vice Mayor of Linfen City,動畫  with inspectors Group區爸 come to visit our Fanglue Group. Adm門可inistrative Committee dire微場ctor of Houma Economic D但坐evelopment Zone, Party報坐 Secretary Li Zhaoqi,deputy Part黑吃y Secretary Maxing M器場in,Municipal Committe腦哥e, Deputy Mayor Zheng Yumin, de可是puty mayor Zhang Qingjiang, Gao Jian區冷yun researched together.

Group Chairman presi舊機ded over the reception. Chen員通 Zhonghui his entourage 空間came to Shanxi Fanglue Inter學術national Inland Bonded Port Zone,技科Joint Inspection service ha用習ll of Fanglue Bonded Logistic水物s Center to view, and then in the loun去國ge and watch a feature fil城校m and had a discussion. Ch大玩en Zhonghui learned about the讀師 course of group development by looking刀生 at and listening to the cha媽錯irman‘s report,and gave a 拿睡high praise for the Group&#暗工39;s work on Bonded Logistics, Inte房用rnational Logistics, International Trad下物e, cross-border purchase of goo草文ds procurement and p章現romote e-commerce, logistics and finan有厭cing, cultural develo窗話pment.


He thought I rely on the G筆火roup of the State Council authorize我廠d 4 ministries approved Bonded 算議Logistics Center in Shanxi Fanglue t大冷hat solid foundation, integr白離ation of resources, br月術ought the advantages together, le制村gitimate business, standardized servi用從ce our import and export business, w煙民ith export-oriented economic國問 development in the city's 看唱important status, pla拍個ys the role of  o數很pening card and window, m街玩eanwhile promote the role of bridgeh請醫ead, the transition has been 哥唱successful in the new normal e制暗conomy, listed a shares board s子師tarted a new project朋東 is under construction, the cross-b場月order electricity business b一路y leaps and bounds, the overall momen文聽tum of development is really goo師美d.he wanted us to focus on the over吧還all deployment of the Group of L區身infen municipal government, conti知計nue to play a unique public platfor術時m advantages of bonded logistic大紅s center, to further inte白快grate resources, optimize the c制坐ity's investment environment and p時身romote the expansion of opening-飛們up Plan, introduce the transformat草學ion of international and coastal indu懂區strial , drive around the in河知dustrial transformation 報老and upgrading, service aspects and othe生山r supply reforms contin報可ue to play a unique role in promot得西ing sound and rapid development of t科土he city's export-oriented eco著數nomy.