For a long time, the intelli可海gent logistics and transportation p會嗎latform of the industrial produ那錯cts trading center of fanglugang gro文分up has been paying great 風影attention to gather m冷生ultiple resources and providing profe音不ssional one-stop service 低區to the entrusting party 音農and the carrier of logistics demand, so作坐 as to boost the developmen小弟t of the enterprise.
Display the intelligent logistics an外坐d transportation platform page of fan物務glugang group industrial produ樹中cts trading center
Wisdom logistics platf路亮orm based on strategies for l動畫and port group has i亮電ts own railway private和數 sidings, commissioner station,理在 road transportation team, more 腦大than 10 years transport capac著城ity and logistics supply chain and rizh街外ao port, lianyungang, tianjin, Qingd離男ao and other coastal ports in the道請 advantages of the close cooperation, 短冷to provide customers with com子答prehensive transportation s妹煙ervices, and value-added service訊算s.Comprehensive transp有車ort services include road tr司厭ansport, railway transport, mar著錢itime transport, international歌放/domestic sea, rail an到跳d land multimodal transport servi外下ces, china-europe (Asia) ra見頻il services, point-to-p刀好oint transport service路學s, bonded supervision of草海 logistics and distribution services到劇.The extended value-added service學得s include in-route tra行明cking, intelligent distri什明bution, shipping manageme高就nt, electronic receipt, online settle子有ment, logistics financing, etc.
In the aspect of highway tra工近nsportation, the intelligent logistics 房相transportation platform樹光 can reduce the empty load rate by conv事員ection of goods, and realize the 黃到"heavy to heavy&qu綠問ot; transportation bet公也ween multiple places低生, so as to improve th機來e operation efficiency.Through intelligent matching 姐厭of vehicles and goods,雨電 more logistics planners pro用白vide customized solutions for co放不ntract customers, plan optimal ro哥人utes and reduce costs.Support members to carry out logistics通兒 financing business, such as fi刀頻nancing car purchase, finan光吧cing guarantee, freig和少ht cushion, etc., to facilitate custom外但er capital turnover;Provide invoice guarantee throug務東h online payment and s對下ettlement;Through logistics tracking can be re鐵工al-time query, effective城錢ly reduce the risk of c雜視argo transportation.
The intelligent logistics tr歌東ansportation platfor著制m of the industrial produc上要ts trading center of音鐘 fangluport group co., l化話td. is dedicated to the considera時農tion of both the entrusting party and 她計the carrier of logistics demand, p聽子roviding an effective way 銀物for them to develop business數兒 and seek cooperatio商海n, and exploring broad space, 短影which is an ideal choice 老新for customers to realize the logisti分朋cs distribution deman吧計d.