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Huang Platform For New Features to 為學Meet User Needs
Date:2017-07-20  Issuer:開服admin  View:81

Golden triangle of the Yellow River林錯 industrial products trading center pl音中atform, integration of industry resourc我理es to launch a strategy land port 要務group is a commodity trading platf個紅orm with independent intellectual p就你roperty rights.Since 機樂platform online, the家開 golden triangle of the Yellow Ri快弟ver industrial produ科科cts trading center div司你ision continuously according to西河 user needs to implemen離麗t the function of the platform iter制時ative optimization, innovation, bring不科s extreme operating 請拿experience for users.



After the promotion of 筆也the golden triangle of the Ye讀喝llow River industrial products tradin鐵土g center platform landing inte雪北rface


At present, the platform has sp對購ot trading, supply chai輛爸n finance, logistics, warehouse 這但receipt regulation, five c金習ore subsystem, informa化作tion can bring financial institu新生tions financing service 關拍for the customer, the 學作whole regulatory logistics distrib腦懂ution services, comprehensive monitor討紙ing and early warning pledge reg長黑ulatory state daily repository service生個, put forward valuable re我城ference information and index analys物友is, etc.


In addition, there are a lot of a va科空luable platform for aux通近iliary subsystems, namely,哥關 promote trade online bidding system,木朋 bidding system, electronic procu光農rement system, and en一喝sure safety of online signature sys懂花tem, used in the logistics ware男校house management system, i西身ntelligent driveway gate system, ensur錢森e the safety of payment of fun術在ds depository system, thir相又d party payment systems, and informat機老ion management system, customer m畫費anagement system, documen低頻t management system, project managemen影男t system, online customer service s電間ystem, short message service 事線system and other value下議-added services.The system f房知ully functional, more mod如時ule realizes the industry c睡訊hain optimization and trans睡輛formation, covering the who小朋le industry chain, can又要 meet the different needs of users.


The golden triangle of the Yello還熱w River industrial pro道要ducts trading center, will be s紅紙ent to you by the system set up the mec店物hanism of the integration of informatio北農n communication and sharing, for user綠商s to build an information 拍窗sharing, logistics control, fi通林nancial services professional suppl船請y chain integration of value-adde習書d service platform;Specia照相lized in material as the object of man民街agement, achieve benign circ城什ulation of materials, fin高近e service to provide user行明s with intelligent;Ac裡上cording to the effective combinati了來on of capital, information and log都女istics of supplies "Ba章呢nks" innovation model, based on 司不the "industry chain", th刀木e service industry chain on the mi河風ddle and lower reach這年es of production and the dealer, to 女快provide users with c紙街omprehensive services.


Add:Shanxi Fanglue Bond路看ed International Inland Port嗎到 Area



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