In August 2016, on September 2, 店國31 solstice, composed of experts w外裡ith the China quality certifi現腦cation center of CRB asses東務sment teams to group of 筆能industrial logistics operations busi看們ness "three system", t兵亮he quality management system子筆, occupational health and safety海用 management system, env說海ironmental management system公光 certification since the oper筆謝ation for the annual都妹 audit for the first time.
CRB assessment teams he從制ld by senior management, the head o水吃f each department and the inter慢議nal auditors to attend the meeting for 喝會the first time
Review before the team c讀哥onducted a process-bas們農ed held by senior managem刀很ent, the head of each department and 雜內the internal auditors to attend the愛鐵 meeting for the first time.During the meeting, team conducted 暗國a process-based long beam yongli first時民ly introduces team conducted a process-些聽based members, and then read the aud門街it plan.Then management representative, ind技雜ustrial logistics operatio體光ns business President li-q鄉花in guo to each depar日關tment how to cooperate wit笑業h outside audit working emphasis,懂信 for team conducted a process-b我水ased audit expectations好吃 are put forward.
Team conducted a process-based in東來-depth review site understand enterp黃吃rise situation, actively carry o畫唱ut review
Review, expert team con年務ducted a process-based audit covers th老這e scene for the first visit to visit, g事一rasp the basic situat說讀ion of enterprises, and then 錢靜to separate the field visit to review 人東the various departments.In the departments of audit, the audit也光 experts on the basis of audi站腦ting standards refer to the rele電她vant system, process, record,議樂 listened to the report,從火 asked about it, some still field化市 view into the scene, and 河業then made a detailed record.To department after the audit t人和eam conducted a process-bas自友ed management representative照坐 for the management revi動時ew.
CRB assessment teams held b兵訊y senior management, departme吧些nt head and at the end of the int地作ernal auditors to attend the 站村meeting
All, after the audit team conducted a 裡友process-based has carr票學ied on the deliberation, then h視還eld by senior management, departme能拿nt head and the end of the in我你ternal auditors to attend the meeting.和地During the meeting, team conduct對跳ed a process-based leader on the c校短areful outside the overall results.廠雜She pointed out that, since the co如玩mpany get the certificate員他 for one year, system overall was醫器 very healthy, especia紅村lly in the area of bus體紙iness management to take農暗 A lot of focus on customer n河器eeds, improve service qualit友黑y, improve service leve聽兵l improvement measures, such謝什 as through the gantry cr生男ane erection, such as店場 A library ground hardening t如什o strengthen the constr購用uction of infrastruc工自ture, increase supply chain through dev門嗎eloping commodity tradin慢和g center construction and financing 玩現services and other functions, th聽體rough adding equipment managem有費ent department to strength務唱en the organization g都事uarantee, through enhancing 中器the dispatcher functi湖著on to optimize the working proce體兵ss, the flow by encouragin少水g staff to business department in 物國order to enhance the capacit校金y of business, such as customer 請又satisfaction in significa頻離ntly increased, the enterprise pe廠討rformance are thriving, the dev都慢elopment of the company北船, but at the same time we have se美男en in the operation of要飛 the system still exist some impe西北rfect places need improv水刀ement report as soon as possible, such 放弟as the scene emergenc錯制y exercise insufficiency,區區 the equipment maintenanc煙藍e work after the validation is not in票光 place.Finally she points ou朋器t that, through the aud人山it, the whole system 話外run efficiently, in line w知多ith the requirements of auditing princi小議ples.The last group of supe家計rvision of audit minis請秒ter who catched on behalf of the manag那電ement representative position.He thanked the team conducted 日什a process-based three days of hard wo我話rk, the right team co窗行nducted a process-based audit 飛學in a carefully for unqualifie裡光d item list and the def工了iciency of the closed the reiterated th能你at he expects all depart音議ments at all levels should de新還epen the understanding of system水媽 certification, through the ca城鐵reful outside, strengthen the control得金 of self reflection, activ身月ely look for less than, &q工資uot;what do you want來線 me to change" to "I want to些用 change", efforts to m為河ake changes to improve, at明森 the same time we hop聽聽e you make persistent ef日照forts, continue to take the initiative區藍 to learn business knowledge, ta子低ke the initiative to strengthen their劇計 own management, ascen讀森ding with the attestation of s近機ystem of this method to guid校門e and improve the level of self work, 綠爸to better provide customers with為章 good service, improve enterprise ef雪錢ficiency.