In order to fully explore民船 archives value, auxiliary來在 management decisions, on Ju腦頻ly 15, the archives staff 拍費group network technolog動土y operations business organi農南zation in the bonded很門 logistics center conference長還 room of three layers of用唱 the joint inspection office building 理個archives resources development an志來d utilization of training從月.Training hosted by vice President He Y文空ayan, network technology operations,對日 external thunis technical en兵雨gineer as lecturer.Training, part-tim鐵舞e lecturer in combined with the 笑科actual situation of the group, syste司從m about the basic kno都票wledge and skills of th員南e development and util民答ization of archives resources, an街人d to the scene to answer大船 questions.Through trai請相ning, to file had a deeper understand謝到ing of the development場雨 and utilization value, and grasp師兒 the corresponding knowledge and s鐵身kills, the development 低紅and utilization of archives resou相在rces are better for the next ste費雪p laid a solid foundat會睡ion.
Group, the development and機件 utilization of archives re算錢sources training site